Articles in Editor’s Notes

Cooking for the Clueless

How I became slightly less useless in the kitchen: introducing a new Current Affairs video series.

What’s So Bad About Robin DiAngelo

The anti-racism educator encourages white people to “look inward” and focus on self-improvement. But it would be much better if they looked outward and joined a movement that could actually accomplish something.

How To Handle The Press

A master class from Bernie Sanders.

Biden Is Not Doing Nearly Enough

Democrats need to realize they are in a fight for their lives. Without transformative accomplishments, the right will soon be back in power—and it will be ugly.

That’s It, I’m Out

The internal ideological climate of Current Affairs has become intolerable. I can bear it no longer.

The Urge to Dominate

Destroying each other is both satisfying and futile.

Let’s Remember How Authoritarianism Takes Hold

The invasion of the Capitol was a farce. But it should still terrify us. The lessons of history need to be learned.

QAnon and the Fragility of Truth

How can people fervently believe in something so transparently flimsy, and how do we preserve our connection to reality in a world of informational chaos?

How Amazon Destroys the Intellectual Justifications for Capitalism

Amazon is becoming a giant private government with the power to direct the economy.

The Sophist and The Magician

Understanding how we can be manipulated helps us pull back the curtain on charlatans and can even protect democracy.

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