Articles in Editor’s Notes

Why Nationalism Is A Brain Disease

Matthew Yglesias’ “One Billion Americans” argues that America needs more people because America must be the best. But why be the “best”? And what is “America”?

He’ll Be Back

It might not be Trump himself. But we still haven’t seen the last of the politics he represents. Don’t get comfortable.

I Want Deeds, Not Words

Congressional Democrats can tut at Republicans all they want, and Republicans will laugh and keep slowly seizing control of the country’s institutions.

The Most Important Thing About AOC Is That She Is Normal

A new profile confirms that AOC is smart, dedicated, and impressive. But she’s also proof that very ordinary people can do extraordinary things.

The Right Has Money, Not Arguments

You can buy as many copies of a libertarian children’s book as you want and you won’t change the fact that the socialists are right.

What Happens in the West Wing

The show is a documentary about how and why centrist politics fails, and the inner logic used to conceal that failure.

The Real Abbie Hoffman

Why it’s impossible to Sorkin-ize the great revolutionary clown.

Why Conservative Arguments Are So Worthless

And why liberal technocrats who give credence to them are so obtuse.

The Chomsky Position On Voting

It’s important to vote Democratic, but we should be under no illusions that voting Democratic will save us. Voting is a small part of our political lives.

Obama’s Words

Revisiting the 44th president’s speeches helps us understand why his politics were so limited, and what we need instead.

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