Articles in 2020 Election

Meet Rebecca Parson: DSA Member for Congress

This 35-year-old queer democratic socialist is taking on a leader of the Democratic Party’s right-wing…

Time To Fight Harder Than We’ve Ever Fought Before

The delegate race is neck-and-neck. We need to get every progressive to back Bernie immediately.

What The Stakes Are

We just need Bernie. How is this not self-evident?

What The Stakes Are

We just need Bernie. How is this not self-evident?

Shahid Buttar Must Defeat Nancy Pelosi

The second most important race in the country…


We’re not live-drawing tonight! We’re playing bingo instead.

Can We Get Real Now, Please?

Look, Bernie is going to win this primary. Continuing to fight only helps Trump.

Interview: Heidi Sloan on Running a Left Campaign in Texas

The DSA congressional candidate talks about how to organize effectively in a “red” state.


Just like a regular Democratic presidential debate, only this time with a Republican billionaire who bought his way onstage!

Why Does Anyone Think Michael Bloomberg Would Beat Donald Trump?

Why would Democrats show up to support someone they are unenthusiastic about?

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