Articles in The Virus

It Turns Out the Right Just Believes In Power

The conservative tantrum on workplace vaccination shows why their ideas are wrong

Nation Of Bones

Reflecting on death and skeletons in the “post”-pandemic world.

The Stakes of Finding COVID-19’s Origins

Everyone in the U.S. should want to know whether U.S.-funded research could have caused the pandemic.

How the Media Helped Democrats Spin the Pandemic

The nation’s most trusted mainstream news outlets have proven unworthy of anyone’s trust.

The Science Behind Masks

Neither panacea nor pure performance, they’re simply a useful tool during public health crises.

The Deadly Mix of Individual Responsibility and Racial Capitalism

Poor people of color are dying in droves so that a privileged few can enjoy pretending life is “back to normal.”

COVID-19 Killed My Husband in Jail. So Did Democrats’ Indifference

Republicans have botched the pandemic response, but Democratic elected officials have blood on their hands, too.

A Thorough Debunking of COVID-19 Contrarianism

Data scientist Jennifer Handsel deconstructs the truth and the myths of COVID-19.

Michigan’s Left

Midwesterners make demands as Michigan’s unemployment rates, water shutoffs and evictions come to a head.

Coronavirus and Socialism

The United States will not fix the problems that caused this crisis without a strong leftist political movement.

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