Articles by Current Affairs

Isaac Chotiner Interviews Historical Figures

The infamous New Yorker interviewer takes on history’s monsters and rogues.

How We Know We’re Prophets

Current Affairs sees all, Current Affairs knows all.

We Stand With The Kickstarter Union

A joint statement from project creators condemning Kickstarter’s anti-union retaliation…

What You Get When You Subscribe To Our Podcast

With 130 episodes, patrons get access to an incredible archive…

The “Political Dealbreaker Edition” Roundtable

The editors discuss political dealbreakers, i.e., what would make them refuse to vote for a candidate even if they were great on everything else…

Support Our New Fundraiser And Help Us Grow

What we’ve done so far and what you can help us do next…

Weekly Roundtable: Goofy TV Preferences

In which your delightful editors describe what kind of TV helps them unwind (mostly silly competitions and extremely bad magician-detective shows)…

Weekly Editorial Roundtable: Book Club Edition

What the editorial staff has been reading lately…

Interview: Abdul El-Sayed on Medicare For All and More

The former gubernatorial candidate discusses Medicare for All, his political bid, and health in Detroit…

Virgil Texas on Why Chapo Trap House is Successful

The cohost of the podcast breaks down how he thinks about the show, why it works, and how it got started…

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