Articles by Nick Slater

Honeymoon in Palestine

Reflections on Palestine, its people, and military occupation…

“Smart” People Are Often Dumber Than You Think

On Richard Dawkins and “Muslimophilia”…

It’s A Lovely Day To Visit Chernobyl

It’s not the post-apocalyptic contaminated wasteland you’ve been led to believe…

How the Right is Hijacking the Christchurch Tragedy

Conservative outlets fail to mention their many years of implying that Muslims are violent anti-West invaders…

Why This Shitting Peasant Is the Christmas Symbol We Need Today

The charms of a scatalogical Catalonian nativity figure…

How “Creative Jobs” Pervert Your Soul

The marketing industry and its discontents…

The Humans of Palestine

A visit to the West Bank…

Set Adrift In The English-Teaching Industrial Complex

The millennials who wander the globe spreading English…

The Nice Cop

If the most decent guy I knew could become a murderer when he put on a uniform, something is systemically wrong with policing itself…

Taking Orwell’s Name In Vain

Everyone loves George Orwell, though hardly anybody cares what he said or thought…

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